All Q’ued Up Competition Team & Hotty Totty BBQ Crew have teamed up and joined forces to create one of the most popular and award-winning seasoning combinations available today; THE ARKASSIPPI COMBO! “The Combo” is used in layers on your favorite proteins and in your favorite dishes to bring out the greatest flavor enhancement possible. We call this method “Layerology 101”. While The Arkassippi Combo is responsible for more wins in Steak and BBQ competitions than we can count, it will make you a winner in your kitchen or backyard EVERY TIME!
We carefully blended spices that compliment any meat or for that matter any food. Our seasonings have been used from popcorn to pasta, chicken, seafood/fish, pork, beef, vegetables, and many more. Layer on the flavors.
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The Championship combination by award-winning SCA cooks John Lindsey of the All Q'ued Up Competition Cooking Team and Ronald Burns of the Hotty Totty BBQ Crew. The layers of flavor have taken the competition cooking world by storm. This is the combo that started it all!